
Entry manavia (havia)
Part of speech active verb or adjective
Explanations in Malagasy Tsy hay atao tsara amim-pahakingana: Manavia ahy ny mandrafitra fa ny mamboatra ny milina no haiko [1.10]
 Mampiasa ny tanana havia
Mampanahirana, mampananosarotra, sarotra: Manavia ahy itý tohatra itý ~ Tsy manavia azy ny miteny anglisy
Mahamenatra, manahirankirana: Manavia ahy io olona io [1.1]
Explanations in English Left, on the left side; to be unable to do a thing, to perplex. [1.2]
 To be difficult or inconvenient for one [1.7]
Explanations in French etre difficile à faire; qu'on trouve incommode [1.8]
1Efa nanjary manavia aza ny fihevitra sy fiteny izany. [2.296]
2Mora taitra ny lazan-javatra ka very andro amin' izany, manavia azy ny asa-tena, hany ka manantena ny hafa fa malain-kisasatra. [1.381]
Present : manavia
Past : nanavia
Future : hanavia
Synonyms manaviavia

Updated on 2023/01/20